Tuesday 9 November 2010

So Much To Write About

OK,  this is my 4th attempt at starting this blog and god knows if this will be the last. I am more determined to post this now than I ever was.

I realised, when I thought about it, that nothing in my life ever seemed interesting, yet I have never really been bored. I don't aim to talk about any particular subject or view other than what I need to get of my chest at that moment. You know I have written 2 paragraphs and already I feel a little lighter so even if nobody reads this, I will, at least have a little less weight to carry.

At this moment i cant decide which way to go with this. Do I start with my views on youth today or do think of something witty to write about? Do I go with philosophy or politics, work or leisure? well I think I might just go to bed and sleep on it and come back tomorrow when all is clear.